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"PrintStack is valuable to us because I feel like I can come to Taylor for anything. Whether it’s a label, offset or large-format printing, warehousing, or online ordering — everything is taken care of in one stop."

Tamara O’Connor
Brand Operations Manager, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

Improve your organization’s return on its print investment

One of the largest spend categories in many organizations is printed materials and services. But it’s also the least talked about. With PrintStack, you'll enhance visibility into your print supply chain and be able to reduce hidden costs and improve efficiency.

Why print management matters to your business

Businesses can spend millions of dollars on producing, managing and distributing print. But that expense often goes unnoticed because print is so embedded into every function of your organization. This lack of visibility creates problems, adding unnecessary complexity in everyday transactions. It can compromise your power to negotiate price due to a lack of intelligence around your current spend.

Printed materials and services often cost more than we realize


For every dollar spent on
printing, nearly $7 is spent on
ancillary activities and the cost
of obsolescence.

Keypoint Intelligence


The U.S. market for printed
materials was estimated at
$79 billion in 2020.

Estimated 2020


According to a Deloitte CPO
Survey, 65% of organizations
have little or no visibility
beyond their Tier 1 suppliers.

Deloitte CPO Survey

Like a “tech stack” for print

PrintStack is a proprietary “stack” of amazing technology, innovative process expertise and powerful production capabilities that will measurably enhance your printed materials program.

Help for Marketing Operations


  • Increase marketing efficiency and agility
  • Reduce the drain on resources due to print program complexities
  • Drive savings to reinvest into top-line growth activities
  • Get control and insight into who is spending what
  • Protect your brand

Help for Procurement


  • Achieve immediate and measurable hard-cost savings and efficiencies
  • Increase spend under management
  • Accelerate digital transformation of the category
  • Enhanced category service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Enhance visibility and control of Tier 2 and 3 suppliers
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Do more with less

The contracting economy has forced business leaders to get lean, rein in marketing budgets and find creative ways to build brands using fewer resources.

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Deliver hard cost savings

Business leaders must find ways to become more efficient, deliver measurable hard cost savings and channel savings to fund growth and recovery.

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Anticipate supply chain vulnerability

Suppliers unable to adapt to the new normal will be forced out of business and interrupt mission-critical services such as print and mail.

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Concentrate on the critical core

Businesses must focus on essential resources and supplement them with flexible, third-party experts who can scale according to their changing needs.

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Embrace change for the good it can bring

Seize this opportunity to rethink your staffing, processes and technology for the future.

Learn about the PrintStack™ Assessment Process


A PrintStack Assessment is the first step towards an outcomes-based business relationship supported by best-in-class technology that can:

  • Stretch your limited resources further
  • Focus on strategic goals
  • Navigate an omnichannel experience
  • Increase measurability, transparency and control

Review Sample Assessment


Frequently asked questions

Q. How can I generate hard cost savings?
A. PrintStack can help your organization drive efficiency by streamlining its print procurement process, thereby reducing your investment in printed materials. We can help you reduce or reallocate labor associated with print and employ technology to generate measurable year-over-year savings. We can also increase your marketing efficiency and boost the amount of revenue per marketing FTE.

Q. How can I generate soft cost savings?
A. PrintStack can greatly reduce the amount of time and energy your organization spends on managing print. From better processes and forecasting that lower obsolescence, to avoiding capital investment in facilities and equipment, our PrintStack engineers are laser-focused on driving out both hard- and soft-costs.

Q. How do I calculate the ROI on my print spend?
A. It is important to look at your total cost of ownership. For example, do you throw away a lot of copies every time there is a version change? If you printed 5,000 copies for $2,500 you may think your cost is 50¢ per piece. But if you threw away 4,000 copies because a business change made them obsolete, your real cost is $2.50 each ($2,500 divided by 1,000 copies used). This doesn’t even begin to consider the amount you spend on inventory management, ordering, supplier freight and shipping to end-users.
Q. How do I find weak spots in my print supply chain?
A. The PrintStack Assessment will look at all aspects of how you specify, produce, manage and distribute print. Through this in-depth process, our PrintStack engineers typically find numerous ways to enhance an organization’s staffing model, process and technology.

Q. What kind of measurable results could I achieve from managing print better?
A. Improving your print management delivers myriad benefits, including reduced costs, lower overhead expenses, improved cash flow, capital avoidance and increased staff productivity. Taylor can share with you what other clients have achieved by adopting the PrintStack model. You’ll see how they saved time to spend on core activities to advance their business goals.

Q. How should I evaluate my current print vendors?
A. PrintStack has a proven way to identify what we call “StackGaps” in your print procurement process. Our checklist helps you evaluate current vendors in the areas of
  • pricing and quoting
  • project management
  • design, brand and version control
  • production quality and efficiency
  • ordering and distribution