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Electronic Business Stationery – How to Reap the Benefits of This Useful Technology


Learn how electronic business stationery such as digital business cards and digital letterhead allow you to reduce your environmental footprint.

Someone reading an electronic stationery

Writing is humankind’s primary technology for collecting, storing, retrieving, communicating and disseminating information. It all began with tokens that used a system of signs as counters to keep track of goods. Pictographs were next.

Then around 3200 B.C., the Sumerian civilization began making markings on clay tablets called cuneiform. From there, cultures created entire alphabets and writing systems.

The first known use of ink dates back to 2500 B.C., and China invented paper around 100 B.C. Compared to clay tablets, paper and ink were an exceptional technological advancement.

Paper and ink have stood the test of time and aren’t going anywhere. But now, digital paper and ink lie at the intersection of print and technology.

What is Digital Stationery, Exactly?

From your business cards to your letterhead, you can now build quality connections, reduce your environmental footprint and communicate efficiently – all at the click of a button. Electronic business stationery products such as digital letterhead for email and “eCard” digital business cards are a great way to expand your branded print into other environments. Your customers can digitally download items that faithfully represent your brand while you keep up with the electronic delivery the world now demands.

A Significant Increase in Digital Paper and Ink

Digital paper and ink were gaining popularity, but COVID-19 dramatically accelerated the use of electronic business stationery for customer interactions.

According to a new McKinsey Global Survey of executives, 80% of customer interactions are now digital in nature, up from 20% in the last two years. The survey showed an enormous global increase in digital paper and ink use with the onset of the pandemic. The survey’s data suggests the COVID-19 crisis is a tipping point of historic proportions.

80% of customer interactions are now digital in nature, up from 20% in the last two yearsThe Many Benefits of Electronic Business Stationery

Here are just a few of the benefits of using various types of digital stationery products:

Digital Stationery is Touchless

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, consumers have made a dramatic shift toward online channels, and companies and industries have responded in turn. Touchless communication is a primary benefit of digital delivery. Suppose you are concerned about the well-being of your clients. In that case, digital stationery can get your recipients the information they need without spreading germs.

Going Digital Saves You Money

What does your company spend each year on print management? It’s likely more than you think. Electronic business stationery can save you money since you don’t have extra costs for paper, ink, printing services or postage. Going paperless will eliminate most of these costs, putting more money back into your brand.

Also, how much effort does it take your team to produce a printed piece? Your business will save on labor costs when using electronic stationery alternatives. And corporate branding by way of digital template pairs perfectly with the use of data analytics in communications. For example, you can afford to send thousands more personalized digital communications when you don’t have anything to print, stamp or mail.

Digital Stationery is Fast and Easy

It takes time to design, order and receive commercial printed stationery. That means you must plan a project and leave plenty of time for production before you mail pieces.

With digital stationery, you can easily access it with as little as three clicks. Edit. Download. Share. It’s that easy. And, once again, you can reach more people because you’re not limited by price per piece.

Your Takeaways

Electronic business stationery saves you time and money while offering your customers touchless communication. While physical paper and ink will continue to be an integral part of our culture for years to come, you can look forward to more digital innovations in the future.

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